miércoles, 8 de junio de 2022



Shared by Santos Suárez:

I´d like to share some interesting websites in order to teach/learn English through music:

http://mondostoppops.blogspot.com/ This site is for learning English through songs and song lyrics. There will be a number of different resources put up every week.

http://www.forefrontpublishers.com/eslmusic/ This site features articles supporting the use of music as well as an annotated bibliography of books and CD’s that teachers will find particularly helpful when they use music to instruct English. This site was created for educators who are interested in promoting the acquisition of English through music.

https://busyteacher.org/2728-classroom-songs-16-creative-ways.html It offers a list of interesting activities to get profit from music in the teaching-learning process of English

https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/how-use-songs-english-language-classroom An interesting post by Adam J. Simpson with suggestions to make a successful song-based lesson.

https://myeltbrewery.wordpress.com/2016/10/17/beyond-gap-fills-using-songs-to-learn-a-language-why-how-and-which/  To get some ideas about going further "Fill in the Gaps" activities in song-based activities.

https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/forum_article_-_beyond_the_gap_fill-_dynmaic_activties_for_song_in_the_efl_classrom.pdf More suggestions to go beyond the Gap Fill activities.

https://sandraheyersongs.com/ It offers a lot of resources and ideas to teach english through music (lessons ideas, activities to practice grammar, and so on...)

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